Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Pretty Relaxing Weekend :)

Even though we live 3 hours away from my family, we are lucky enough to live in the same town with both sides of Michael's.  They adore Kellan and it is very helpful to have them nearby.  We actually need to work on getting together with them more often since even though we live so close we often can go weeks without seeing each other.  That is one more reason that I love keeping up with this blog for family near and far.  We actually stayed around the house for a lot of the weekend and when we did venture out I was not good about taking pictures like I usually am!

This is the little face that greets me every morning now...he is usually sitting up watching the door waiting on me to come get him out :)

Friday night my friend Kimberlee came to visit us again on her way to Washington, D.C. for the weekend.  We grilled out steaks and invited Michael's mom and her boyfriend David over to have dinner with us too.  David brought us some of the best corn on the cob we had all had in a while!  Everybody played with Kellan for a little while until he got sleepy and fussy.  Grandma Gigi gave him a bottle and put him to bed so that I could finish eating.  Michael helped Gigi get her new phone set up and look out world because Grandma Gigi now has Facebook, internet, and texting!!    I should have taken a picture of those two with their heads together!  Kimberlee and I stayed up late talking and watching the Olympics...just like we used to do when we lived together :)  I miss having her around to talk to and spend time with more often. 

Saturday morning Kimberlee headed off on the rest of her trip and Kellan and I stayed around the house until Michael got home that night from working on his newest house project.  We went to Fresh Market to pick up a few things that I needed for Kellan's meals and we ate at a Japanese Steakhouse where Kellan was the center of attention.  One of the cooks even came over to pick up his toys that he had dropped on the floor, talk to him, and make attempts to play with him, although Kellan just gave him a blank stare.  Some people from the table beside ours came over to see him and the waitresses all had to come over and talk to him.  He was quite the center of attention although he wanted no part of it and was happy to chew on the end of a chopstick and wave a spoon around.

Sunday we finally made it to church...and were early!  It has been a few weeks since we had been and I was afraid Kellan was not going to be happy about staying still and quiet for that long...especially since the service is during his usual nap time.  We of course did not get lucky enough for him to go to sleep but he was happy and quiet, played with toys, drank a bottle, and was perfectly content.  We sat with Michael's Aunt Karen and Aunt Kim and they were excited to get to see Kellan since it had been a little while since we have all gotten together.

After church we met Grandma Gigi at Applebees for lunch.

For dinner we went to Michael's Aunt Karen's house to get together with Grandma Gigi's side of the family to celebrate Aunt Kim's birthday.  Kellan was so excited to see "the big boys," Michael's cousin Dylan and his friend Wyatt.  When the boys were playing on the floor, Kellan just scooted his little self over to them and joined in!  Did I take a picture of all of this cuteness?  No!  Major FAIL!

Daddy and Kellan in their stripes
Dylan helping Aunt Kim open her birthday presents
Michael's Grandma Rodgester with Daddy and Kellan
He loves to stand and "walk"

He loved playing in all of the wrapping paper
Kellan with Grandma Gigi
The best way to read a book is to rub it on your head first!
We had an excellent dinner and of course ate too much as always.  Thank you Aunt Karen for having us over and Happy Birthday to Aunt Kim!  I'm glad we all were able to get together finally and hopefully it won't be so long in between visits next time!


  1. your little boy is adorable!

    I'm a new follorwer

  2. Awww, I love lazy weekends! I kind of had one too except I was avoiding finishing a paper that was due yesterday. Hehe!
