Our friends, Andy and Lexi, are building a house and Grizzard Construction just so happens to be their contractor and builder. Ground was broken yesterday and it works out perfectly that Kellan has become obsessed with trucks and 'dozers recently. His favorite book at the moment is Machines at Work and it is all about construction sites, construction equipment, and construction workers. Isn't it funny how some things are just in your genes? Kellan is only 17 months old so he has never spent any time on any of Michael's job sites. He started walking at the end of fall so it has been too cold (and he was too wobbly) for him to really enjoy playing and watching daddy work up until now. So even though Kellan's Great-Grandpa Grizzard, Papa Mike, and Daddy are all contractors, he hasn't had any real experience on the job sites or equipment. This hasn't stopped him from being in love with tractors, hammers, trucks, and 'dozers. He has carried around a little stuffed hammer ever since he first got it even though he's hardly ever even seen Michael with a hammer. "Hammah" was even one of his first words. He has a wooden one now that he uses to beat on everything around the house.
Michael asked me to bring Kellan out to Andy and Lexi's house site because he would be using the big equipment to dig their foundation. Kellan loved riding with daddy.
Helping daddy dig with the excavator. |
Walking to the bulldozer. |
Riding the 'dozer. |
It didn't take Kellan long to find the horn button. He blew the horn until it timed out...then started blowing it again. |
We decided to watch daddy for a little while before he took a lunch break. Of course Kellan found the closest dirt pile. |
When we left he cried for the "'Dozer?! Wide? K?! 'Dozer, WIDE, K?!" |
This store is actually called Weeks Market but around here its called the Purdy Store or the Purdy Mall. I've heard lots of people talk about eating lunch or breakfast here but I had never been. It sits right on the Jarratt/Emporia line but is located in a community called Purdy. I think their menu changes from time to time but today they had hot dogs, chicken salad, barbeque, bologna and cheese, grilled cheese, and chicken sandwiches. It is also kind of a mini-general store. |
Kellan thoroughly enjoyed his grilled cheese. So much that we had to order him another one! He kept calling for CHEESE! By the time we left we had ordered 3 grilled cheeses, 2 chicken salad sandwiches, a hot dog, two sweet teas, a bottled water and a Hersey's bar :) |
Michael will be working on this house through the summer and fall so we will have to make some more trips to Purdy to meet him for lunch and play at the construction site.